Friday, April 8, 2011


I hope I weigh in at 189ish on Sunday. I've been eating a lil more than normal and not the good stuff. Exercise has also taken a knee. I'm pushing the check in until Sunday am.
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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sat April 2 Publix am weigh in

189 lbs!
Waist is edging to 37 inches

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday, 27 March 2011 Weigh In

190.5 - Sunday morning @ Publix

Yesterday was most def a cheat day with a cuban, roast pork / beans / rice / corn for lunch + dinner... plus a 1.5 hour nap plus lots of sleep recently. Sick amounts of sleep. Going to bed early and waking up after 6pm... still getting brain spun up when I wake but its getting easier to spin it back down for Zzz.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A New Hope

So in January I was around 205lbs. Waist was around 39inches. Now I'm around 37.5 inches for the waist.

1/30/2011 - 195
2/19/2011 - 192
3/6/2011 - 193.5
3/19/2011 - 191.5

Weighing in at Publix on a Saturday or Sunday wearing flops, t and shorts before breakfast.

I think my talisman will be a Battlestar Galactica dogtag that says FUNKY49 and 110001 (49 in binary)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Adipose Tissue Strikes Back

Man. Do you know who is a champ? King Pheenix. I think he's help reboot my fitness regime for the Scrub Club Gain HP game

This AM I rolled out of bed and hit the streets, then went for a cool down swim (trying to work the upper body) in a pool. NikePlus says Steven Rush ran 2.87 mi on 6/26/2010 at 8:27 AM. My previous effort in the hot, humid Florida MORNINGTIME was .51 miles. Thanks KPX!

if youze would like to be my Nike running buddy whatever or would like to see my running metrics, you need this link.

Breakfast was some cran juice and most of a banana. Last night was some carbo tots, black bean burger on wheat roll and salad.

Let me get real, fools. The easiest time in my life to lose weight and game muscle mass was when I had no girlfriend and poor self-esteem. I would hit the gym with angst. Sticking to eating a can of tuna for dinner (or some wheat crackers & salsa) was pretty easy. The second easiest time to be into fitness was when I had a girlfriend who was very much into fitness and who's 5K time was almost HALF of mine. This time in my life I have an awesome girlfriend who isn't much into working out/running/etc (but who is still incredibly supportive of me and will do yoga with me and go for walks) and have much better self-esteem. I have little hate and anger towards my body to harness in the gym. I guess that's a good thing. I still need some sort of Joseph Campbell-esque "talisman" to harness and to give me that mental edge. Perhaps the Gain HP game will do that?

Also, I was hesitent to post a shirtless picture of myself on the internet. Odd right? Especially since there is VIDEO of me dancing around on stage shirtless with Rappy McRapperson.

Weight = 202 lbs (gym yesterday)
Waist = 38 inches (exhaled, today)

Friday, November 27, 2009

friday weigh in

post breakfast, before lunch, after bm

205.8 lbs

This is depressing! After running x3 a week and hitting the gym x3 a week? Clearly I need to cut crap out of my diet. I feel a bit less fatty and more muscly but I'd like to be losing L-B's on the scale. I really need to start tracking body fat percentage because this is not encouraging stuff.

EDIT: 205.2 after peeing. meh.

Friday, November 20, 2009

friday weigh in

after running 3 times this week and hitting the gym 3 times this week.


unable to get a body fat measurement at the gym today. i think diet modification needs to come. i think i'm taking in too many calories? i do feel i'm losing fat (no change in waste) and feel i'm gaining muscle. i think shirts look better on me. let's just pretend i'm trading fat for muscle. next week is thanksgiving, turkey protein pig out?

Friday, November 13, 2009

weigh in

205.5 lbs, before lunch after BM

whatup! been doing the couch to 5k program for 4 runs, hitting the gym M TH F. let's how this lasts. kinda eating better tho i had pizza friday night. had 2 pieces that night, 2 the next day, 1 on sunday i think. so i'm eating less and eating better. yeah bitch.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday update


worked out for the 3rd morning in a row and have plans to run tomorrow.
need: make a week 1 couch to 5k funkcast.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


the Bad News:
It's 2009 and I weigh around 205 pounds. That's 25 pounds of fat want to lose and gain back some muscle mass.

the Good News:
For Christmas I got a new iPod Nano and the Nike+ kit! This has gotten me starting to run again. The iPod Mini has trickled down to the girlfriend. I got an armband and have been running a few times. Apple & Nike really have a neato system with this.

iTunes8 is a LOT less annoying than whatever previous version I was using which frustrated me. I've even subscribed to a few podcasts. It's really awesome how automagically new stuff gets plopped on your iPod. As I keep on saying, Apple is pricy, but its also a bit like living in the future.